Unfortunately it's going to be a negative review. I've been to nailtini many times through the last 3 years and every visit was a disaster but I decide to give it another chance. In my last visit, i wanted to do my nails but unfortunately I did not find an appointment in any of my favorite nail bars, so it was my choice. For a start, from the minute you enter the salon the staff will treat you in an unfriendly way. I asked them for a certain nail design which was simple & they start look confused and nervous & call for the receptionist (which didn't wear a uniform) who came and threw few comments made all of the staff laugh!
This made me really upset it was so disrespectful. I told her to cancel the design & just put on a regular nail polish. There was another customer who commented on the polish being old and dry. Most of the customers looked unhappy during their visit. The staff were chatting together alot which made the visit not relaxing.
The decor used to be nice but through the time they did not renovate so furniture was broken and looked dirty.
Its really sad that I had to write such a review. I wish if the owners would take care if their salon more and be nore strict with their staff which i'm sure will have many customers if they did because of its location. I only had to write this review after more than one bad experience with them.
The only positive thing about the place was the low prices. I guess it's because of the low service!
اكتب لكم اليوم عن زيارتي لصالون الاظافر نيلتيني .. للأسف هالصالون جربته كذا مرة بحكم ان قريب علي لكن كل تجربة لي تكون أسوأ من الثانية. من أول ما تدخلين الصالون يستقبلونج العاملات بنفس "خايسة" وكأنج ثقيلة عليهم. آخر مرة رحت لهم طلبت ديزاين أظافر بسيط جداً لكنهم تدودهوا وقاموا يتناقشون ونادوا المسؤولة عن الاستقبال اللي ياتني و قامت "تتمقل" بالديزاين و تضحك و تعلق و باجي الموظفات يضحكون! طبعاً هالشي ابداً ما هو "بروفيشينال" . المسؤولة لابسة بنجابي ومو لابسة اليونيفورم نفس باقي الموظفات. قلت لها سويلي صبغ عادي .. بس كنت ابي اخلص واطلع. المكان مو نظيف ووحدة من الزباين عصبت لأن صبغ الاظافر شكله قديم وناشف وللأسف واضح ان من زمان مو مسوينله صيانة .. الطاولات مكسرة ومغبرة والتكييف يطلع صوت مزعج. وفوق هذا كله الموظفات يسولفون مع بعض فكان المكان ازعاج بدل ما يكون "ريلاكس". كل مرة اقول هذي اهر مرة اروحله بس اقرر اعطيه فرصة .. لكن هالمرة توبة!
للأسف الصالون مكانه مميز و عليه زباين ولو انهم شكلهم مو مستانسين. اتمنى من اصحاب الصالون انهم يهتمون بالمكان ونظافته و يشددون على الموظفات لأن الهدف من صالون الاظافر انج تحسين بالدلع والراحة. الصراحة ما ودي أكتب كل هالتقد لكن أتمنى عقب تجربتي ان الكلام يوصلهم ويطورون من نفسهم.
Nailtini in Surra block 5
Phone: 25355225
By _wadda_
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