Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Singarea Supermarket: A Piece of Korea!

At last I found the location of a Korean supermarket (Singarea Supermarket) that sells Korean food along with other Asian stuff located in Al-Dajeej. I wish you could see how excited I was the moment I got there. I couldn't hide my excitement and started taking pictures.

وأخيرا لقيت مكان يبيع الأكل الكوري والآسيوي في الكويت (جمعية سنجاريا) مكانه بالضجيج، ما تتخيلون اشكثر كنت سعيدة ومتحمسة لدرجة إني بديت أصور من أول لحظة دشيت فيها هالجمعية الصغيرة.

Compared to other big supermarkets, frankly speaking, the place is not that fancy. It is just convenient and provides basic Korean foods for Asians and, of course, Hanshik (Korean food)  lovers.

طبعا ماكو مجال للمقارنة بين هذي الجمعية البسيطة والجمعيات الكبرى الثانية، لأنها تتسم بالبساطة واتوفر الأشياء الضرورية لعشاق الأكل الكوري والآسيوي.

I had a small chat with the cashier who confirmed to me that this is the only branch in Kuwait that sells Korean food.

And as I was paying for the few things I bought, the other employee switched off the lights and prepared to close. I was surprised it was only 8:00 p.m. then the cashier told me that the working hours start from 8:00 a.m till 8:00 p.m. Well! lucky me I got there before they close J.

عرفت من الكاشير إن هذي الجمعية هي المكان الوحيد بالكويت اللي ايوفر هذا النوع من الأطعمة الكورية والآسيوية وساعات العمل عندهم تبدي من 8 الصبح إلى 8 مساءً، وأشوة إني لحقت عليهم لأنهم بدوا ايسكرون الليتات وبيسكرون المحل في اللحظة اللي كنت أحاسب فيها عند الكاشير.

Kamsahamida! I thanked the cashier in Korean and left with full satisfaction about such discovery.

وقبل لا أطلع شكرت الكاشير بالكوري كامساهاميدا وغادرت المكان وآنا حدي مستانسة من هالإكتشاف J

Disclaimer: Fermented soya beans paste is a major component that is found in many Korean foods and dishes; however, Sharia wise, I honestly do not know whether fermented soya bean paste is halal or haram. I saw many documentaries on the fermentation process of soya paste where it is kept in big jars for long periods of time or a whole year. Therefore, please check the components and ingredients of the food before you buy them.

تنويه: تحتوي العديد من الأطعمة الكورية على معجون فول الصويا المخمر وللأمانة لا أعرف الحكم الشرعي لاستهلاك هذا المعجون المعتق أو المخمر حيث أنني شاهدت العديد من البرامج الوثائقية حول عملية التخمير والتعتيق لمعجون فول الصويا الذي يتم حفظه في أوان فخارية كبيرة ويتم تخميرة لفترات طويلة قد تمتد لسنة كاملة، لذا أتمنى منكم تتأكدون من مكونات الأكل قبل لا تشترونه، ولذلك وجب التنويه.

The Sauce with fermented soya sauce mentioned above
الصلصلة التي تحتوي على معجون فول الصويا المخمر وتم التنويه عنها في الأعلى

Frozen dumplings

The famous Kimchi
I closed the door of the refrigerator as soosn as I opened it because of the strong smell
of the Kimchi
أكلة الكيمتشي المشهورة
طبعا ما قدرت أتحمل ريحته القوية أول ما فتحت الثلاجة صورته وبسرعة سكرتها

Monday, 27 May 2013

Cloud 9 Pancakes

Just like there's a cookie monster (on Sesame street), I am the pancake monster. Therefore, any new place serving pancakes, I'm there. At Al-Zahra Co-op, there is a new both called Cloud 9 serving mini pancakes. I followed them on the instagram and was reading people's comments, when one comment just striked me and stood out. One person called the mini pancakes as "yummy pillows" loool, and my reaction was I have to try it.
This is their both. I went there and I was greeted in a nice way by the chef as he took my order.
And these are the pancakes in the making.
He was even nice to let my try and flip the pancakes. It's not as easy at it looks.
A happy customer being served

And that's my delicious order

They have different toppings that you may choose from caramel, nesquik chocolate sauce, nutella, maple syrup, strawberry, kraft cheese, whipping cream and castor sugar.
If you like salty pancakes, try them with kraft cheese.
Or go for classic maple syrup and strawberries.

 Some people's orders can really get messy, but its your stomach not mine.

I am all for advocating and supporting small Kuwaiti businesses. But honestly, they are yummy and addictive to the point that I leave the gym and I head for a plate of pancakesfor dinner, Useless!
One thing I really admire about the owner is that she's hands on. She's always there with a big smile on her face and she even helps out and serves customers. I wish her the best of luck and it was a pleasure seeing you again. ESG graduates are the best girls.

To know more follow their account on instagram @cloud9_kwt
Tel: 90035670
If you're interested, they do cater for birthdays and parties.
Pay them a visit at Al-Zahra Co-op and enjoy.

By: @anfalw

C Omar

Our late lunch was at "C Omar" Restaurant situated at the Souk- The Avenues. We enjoyed the old Egyptian songs and the decoration with posters of famous Egyptian actors and actresses. 
اليوم اختيارنا كان مطعم سي عمر الموجود في السوق القديم بالأفنيوز. الديكور كان جداً ملفت للنظر بوجود بوسترات ممثلين وممثلات الزمن الجميل وانطربنا بالأغاني المصرية القديمة. 

While we were waiting for our order they served some Lupini beans.
وحتى يجهز الطلب قدموا لنا ترمس 

We ordered: 
طلبنا كان 

Fatoush salad which was good
سلطة فتوش وكانت جيدة

Sham Alnessim platter: Mutabal, Hummos, Falafel, Foul, Cheese Samosa. 
The best two was the Hummos and the Cheese Samosa. The rest was below average. 

شم النسيم وهو عبارة عن حمص، متبل، فول وفلافل وسمبوسة جبن. وأفضلها كان الحمص والسمبوسة في حين الاطباق الاخرى كانت أقل من عادية.


Both the Kushari and the fattah were not as expected. They were plain. Although Perfectionista found the fettah tasty since it was served with chicken.

كان طعم الكشري والفتة أقل من عادي وينقصه التوابل اللازمة، إلا ان صديقتي أحبت الفتة وذلك لأنها بالدجاج.

One more remark about the restaurant is the lack of serving spoons. We had to use our spoons! And there were no tissues. We had to ask for them. The staff needs more experience and training. 
ملاحظة أخيرة عن المطعم وهي النقص في عدد الملاعق ، فاضطررنا إلى استخدام ملاعقنا لغرف الطعام، وللحصول على مناديل يجب أن تقوم بطلبها من العاملين. ويحتاج العاملين بالمطعم إلى المزيد من التدريب والخبرة. 

By @_AMJ_

The Pastry Shop

Yesterday I tried the pies at pastry shop. It's a home based business and just recently they have a both at AlShamiya Coop. A dear friend of mine recommended it, so I thought of tasting it.
This is their both

This is their menu and the pies they make.

And this is my box of goodies.
 The flavours i choose are the most requested and most popular ones.
The top left is the srawberry pie, the top right is the lemon pie, the bottom left is the apple pie and the bottom right is the pecan pie.
First, i tried the apple pie. It's ok, but i thought that the crust of the pastry was a bit soft. I like it crispier and more cinnamony. But that's my opinion, my friend loves it. Note, the apples they use are green apples.
Then comes the pecan pie which is my favourie. Its just simply yummy. I love the texture and just was right for me. Of course, so i dont get a sugar rush a bit of each was more than enough. Since i became i blogger, i transformed into a food taster and gained a few pounds. Not a good sign loool.
I had to try the lemon, because i was curious about the taste. I personally don't think citris fruits work well in desserts and I wasn't fond of this pie. I felt that it was sour and citricy. I bet there are people who may like it.
Last but not least, the strawberry i liked it, because i'm a very berry person. To me it was more of a tart than a conventional pie, but it was good.
They have more flavours that i didn't try, like the berry pie and the banana pie.
Thank you pastry shop and I wish you the best of luck.

give it a go and tell me what you think.
The both at Shamiya co-op is open from 10:00-2:00/ 5:00-10:00.
follow them on instagram @thepastryshopkw
Tel: 97305858.

 By: @anfalw